
时间:2021-05-22 09:59:19 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1






  在此,我想对那些觉得学英语很困难的同学说一句话:学英语就像在山谷里叫喊,越使劲喊,回音就越响亮。学英语不就正是如此吗? 你越努力,获得的回报就越多。

英语作文 篇2

  Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study.

  With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. Consequently, pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rush-economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children’s overseas study.As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor benef1cial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one’s self-improvement, but it’s better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.

英语作文 篇3





英语作文 篇4

  Washington D.C.

  washington, district of columbia became the capital of the united states in 1800.

  government is washingtons main business. here congress meets to make laws. here the highest court in the country convenes -- the supreme court. one of every three people in washington works for the us government.theres plenty of work to be done, tool here in washington are the busy "main offices" of many government departments like the post office and the treasury.

  the library of congress is one of the worlds largest libraries. in the national archives building, important documents are kept. you can have the thrill of seeing the original declaration of independence!

  washington is one of the loveliest capitals in the world.its a city of wide avenues (one named for every state), green parks, white marble buildings and impressive monuments like

  the jefferson and lincoln memorials.

  do you want to come and pay a visit?

英语作文 篇5

  Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suici gradually, for health, sleep early. 如今,许多年轻人斗都喜欢熬夜,因为晚上有很多吸引他们的活动。由于这些年轻人都是白天在办公室工作,所以他们需要晚上出去寻找乐子,从而导致熬夜。最近,一个26岁的女孩被诊断出患有癌症时,她简直不敢相信。她还那么的年轻美丽,命运一定是在捉弄她。她开始回顾过去的几天。她很累却总是熬夜。她很后悔,如果再给她一次机会,她一定不会再熬夜了。年轻人总是认为他们还年轻人,所以可以忽略这些问题。熬夜就像慢性自杀,为了健康,早点睡吧。

  So many children take what their parents do for them for granted, they haven’t realized the meaning of being grateful. So they always get angry with their parents, because they don’t get what they want. According to the news that a little girl went out of the house and refused to go home because her parents did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocked to hear it, I would never ask much from my parents, because I knew they were not easy to make a living and I am always feel so thankful for what they offer me. Even the one who gives me a hand when I am in need, I would remember him and when I have the chance, I will return. A grateful heart makes us a kind person and create a harmonious environment.


  When people get sick, the first thing they will do is to go to see the doctor and then take the medicine. Taking the medicine makes them feel safe, so some will keep taking medicine every day. Actually, no matter what kind of medicine, it is kind of poison. The news has reported that the oldest man in the world and then experts tried to find the secret of live long. They found the man lives the simple life and stay away from the city, then he barely got sick. If he caught the cold, he would not take the medicine. What’ more, the man have the food he grows and though he was old, he still kept working. The experts came to the conclusion that the secret of living long is to keep good mood and take exercise, what else, staying away from taking medicine often.


英语作文 篇6

  我爱我的兄弟 I Love My Brother

  Today, most family have one child, while I am not one of the only children, I have a brother. My brother is two years older than me, my feelings about my brother are both hate and like. My brother will grab my things without my permission, then I will hate him so much, but when I am bullied by others, he will protect me, then I love him so much.


英语作文 篇7


  His advantages far outweigh

  要) the disadvantages.


  A number of factors are accountable/responsible for this situation.


  Overcome/conquer the difficulties …


  A great change will certainly be produced.


  We can’t ignore the fact that…


  It may give rise to/trigger a host of problems.


  It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.(遗漏省略)

  八、举例 (比……重

  A good case in point(恰当,中肯) is ...


  According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that…


  Recently the problem has been brought into focus.


  From what has been discussed above, we can arrive at the conclusion/draw the conclusion(得出结论) that ...

英语作文 篇8

  I want to be a model student. What shall I do?

  I should be polite. I should study hard. I should helpful. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. I shouldn’t walk and run on the grass. I shouldn’t throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn’t run in the corridors. I shouldn’t fight. I shouldn’t be noisy in the library.

  我想成为一名模范学生。 我该怎么办?











