皇城相府位于山西省阳城县城东15公里的北留镇皇城村,是一座建于明清两代的古城堡建筑群,总面积36580平方米,至今已有500多年的历史了。它是清文渊阁大学士。兼吏部尚书加三级、《康熙字典》总裁官、康熙皇帝35年讲经老师陈廷敬的故居。皇城相府是国家4A级旅游区,也是电视剧《康熙王朝》外景拍摄地。 陈廷敬,自幼聪颖过人,才华横溢,20岁中进士,一生28次升迁,直至成为一代名相,被当代史学界誉为清代著名的政治家、文学家、理学家。皇城陈氏家族人才辈出,科甲鼎盛,明清两代有9人中进士,6人入翰林,为清代中国北方文化大家族。 [御书楼] 这座古老雄伟的建筑叫御书楼,因藏有康熙御笔而得名,建于康熙五十三年(1714)。康熙四十九年(1710),72岁高龄的陈廷敬曾多次请求告老还乡,均被康熙帝婉言谢绝。当年十一月,他再次因耳疾力请辞官,终于获得恩准。但康熙帝命他原官解任,但仍留京用事,总裁《康熙字典》的编修,并说:“卿是耆旧,可称完人。”陈廷敬辞官后,康熙帝对他更加关怀有加,经常到他寓所探望。次年二月康熙帝再次到他书房巡视,看到陈廷敬不顾体弱多病,废寝忘食,一丝不苟地审编字典时,备受感动,当即御笔亲书“午亭山村”和“春归乔木深荫茂,秋到黄花晚节香”这幅匾联赐予陈廷敬,对他的一生给予充分的肯定和高度的赞扬,并动情地说:“朕特书此匾联赐卿,自此不与人写字矣。”“午亭”为陈廷敬的晚号。陈廷敬去世后,他的三儿子陈壮履将御书恭摹勒石,建楼珍藏,以示纪念。
他在朝为官53年,先后担任过吏、户、刑、工四部尚书,并入阁拜相,声名显赫。封建社会推崇“父以子贵,妇随夫荣”的伦理道德,因陈廷敬是朝廷中的一品大员,官高位显,他的父辈以上是要加官晋爵的。所以,以上三行是分别封赠给陈廷敬的父亲、祖父、曾祖父的官职。左右分别有“一门衍泽”、“五世承恩”8个大字,意思是说陈氏一门五代都受到了皇帝的恩赐。下边则是陈廷敬兄弟子侄们所取得的功名和官职。牌楼的护柱石由狮子滚绣球的图案组成。小牌坊建于清顺治十四年(1657),两柱一楼,结构简单,上面记载着从明嘉靖到清顺治年间陈廷敬已经中举,由于受封建等级制度的限制,小牌坊的规模和装饰均不及前者,但在康熙年间的大牌坊未建成之前,仍不失为陈氏家庭的荣耀和标志。 [冢宰第] 冢宰第门楼高大,威严壮观,在大门上方有“冢宰第”三个大字。在陈廷敬拜相入阁后又在外面的两柱间加上了“大学士第”匾额一块。门前有两墩旗杆石。
进入大门,就可以看到当时的过道大厅,至今余韵犹存。它为四柱三门、三间七架的结构。中间的门叫仪门,一般是不开的,左右两边分别是接序行走的过道。 “冢宰第”的建筑装饰既仿古、仿旧(东方的),又仿真、写实(西方的),开清代颖细繁密的先河。这些装饰题材,以寓意、比喻的手法寄托着主人的理想和希望,表现了不同层次人们的审美观点。该院落的主建筑,正面为迎客大厅,康熙曾经两次在这儿做客。康熙三十九年(1700年),为表彰陈廷敬的丰功伟绩,康熙皇帝为陈廷敬题写了“点翰堂”之匾额,这幅匾额被挂在大厅上方以示荣耀。
[斗筑居] 在内城的城门上方镶嵌着一块不大的石匾,上书“斗筑可居”4个大字,这是陈廷敬的伯父陈昌言手书。内城形似斗状,是陈家为躲避明末流寇的侵扰而修建的。陈昌言将内城比作斗,意为在小小斗室之中有保安求全存身之地。 [屯兵洞] 我们现在来到了内城墙上,登高远眺,内城最引人注目的,当数三间七层、高百尺的河山楼和屯兵洞等建筑。河山楼东堡墙根一字形排开、依地势用砖石砌筑的五层窑洞层层递升,直至垛口,大小不同,内外相联,上下用甬道相接。内部既通且连,一进三四间,显得古朴厚重。这些窑洞,既省工省料,经久耐用,冬暖夏凉,易于居住;又错落有致,变化多端,立体感强,隐蔽性好,在建筑上颇具匠心。 [河山楼] 河山楼建于明崇祯五年(1632年),是陈氏家族为了抵御乱军侵扰而建造的防御性建筑。该楼长3.4丈、宽2.4丈、高10丈,是相府城内最高的.建筑。楼分7层,有墙内梯道和层间木梯相通,雄浑坚固,可容千人避难于其中。三层以上设有窗户,楼顶建垛口和女墙,便于了望敌情和抛掷乱石,底层深入地下,掘有水井,备有石碾、石磨、灶具等生活设施,并有地道通往城外,以防不测。
Ladies and gentlemen,
Located in yangcheng county, Shanxi Province royal 15 km east of the city of north town village, is an ancient castle built in the Ming and qing dynasties buildings, with a total area of 36580 square meters, has been 500 years of history. It is a bachelor of arts. He was also the former residence of the President of the kangxi dictionary and the 35 years of kangxi's speech by Chen tingjing. The imperial palace is a national 4A tourist area, and it is also the location of the TV drama "the kangxi dynasty". This site, have been intelligent, talented, 20-year-old jinshi, 28 times life promotion, until become a generation of names, known by contemporary historians as the qing dynasty famous politicians, writers, neo-confucianism. The Chen clan of the imperial city had a wealth of talents, and the imperial family of the imperial family was at its peak. In the Ming and qing dynasties, there were nine people in the Ming and qing dynasties, and six of them entered the hanlin in the qing dynasty. The ancient and magnificent building is called the imperial palace. It was named after the emperor kangxi, which was built in the 53rd year of kangxi (1714). In his forty-ninth year (1710), Chen tingjing, 72 years old, had repeatedly asked to return to his hometown and was politely declined by emperor kangxi. In November of that year, he returned to the office of the ear disease again, and finally got his kindness. But emperor kangxi ordered his former official to remain in Beijing, but he remained in Beijing, and the President, the President of the kangxi dictionary, said: "qing is an old man, but he is a perfect man." After Chen tingjing's resignation, emperor kangxi was more concerned with him and often visited his apartment. On February kangxi emperor again to his study tour, see this site regardless of sickly, forget all about eating and sleeping, meticulously ShenBian dictionary, is touched, promptly YuBi pro book "noon pavilion mountain village" and "spring back to the shadow of trees deep alum, autumn to huanghua minds" of the inscriptions give this site, for his whole life give full affirmation and high praise, and said: "I'm writing this inscriptions give qing, since then don't write with people." The afternoon pavilion is the evening of Chen tingjing. After the death of Chen tingjing, his three sons, Chen zhuang, made a memorial to the imperial palace to commemorate the memorial.
[zhongdahuang city gate]
The outer city of the city of huangcheng, called zhongdao zhuang, was built in the thirty-eighth year of kangxi (1699) by Chen tingjing, who entered the cabinet and promoted to the bachelor of arts and the ministry of civil affairs. According to the inner city style, the brick wall, the brick wall, the tower, the castle tower, the front and back, the right and left, and the inner city. It can be seen in the distance, pleasing to the eye, viewing the scenery, and condescending, the arch guards resisting the enemy, the outer gate is inlaid with two plaques, the top is "tiannshide", the next "zhongdao zhuang". Zhongdao zhuang meaning: one is from ancient times, on the fan water river, there is the meizhuang, with the three locust village, the imperial city in the middle section, hence the name zhongdao zhuang; The second is to say that the master of the imperial city is in officialdom, and abide by the way of kongmeng, hence the "zhongdao zhuang". The inscription on the plaque "tianenshide" is a symbol of heaven and heaven.
[gongde memorial arch]
The two stone archways were seen after crossing the gateway. It is a meritorious memorial to the Chen family for the fame and honor of the family. This large arch, built in the thirty-eighth year of kangxi (1699), four pillars and three floors, the fangerao carved dragon engrave, the base of the beast ring, magnificent, magnificent. The second word is the prime minister's name, which means the top of the hundred officials. The word "general constitution" is the name of the imperial court. At the bottom of the memorial hall, "the doctor of the reform movement, the minister of the department of the state of the province, is a scholar of the four books of the imperial family, and the minister of the state, Chen tingjing, is the master of the government."
He was in his office for 53 years. He served as an official, a family, a sentence, four books, and he entered into a great reputation. The feudal society advocated the ethics of "the father is expensive, the daughter and the husband", because Chen tingjing is a member of the imperial court in the imperial court, the official high level, his father or above is to add official jin. Therefore, the above three lines are the official duties of the father, grandfather and great-grandfather who were given to Chen tingjing respectively. There are "one yanze" and "five world chengen", which means that Chen's five generations have been blessed by the emperor. The following is the fame and official position of the nieces of Chen tingjing. The pillars of the building are composed of the pattern of a lion's ball. Small memorial arch, built in the qing shunzhi 14 years (1657), two columns on the first floor, structure is simple, it recorded from Ming to qing shunzhi years jiajing this site has been approval, due to the limitation of feudal hierarchy, the size of the small arch and decoration are not as good as the former, but in kangxi years before the big arch was not completed, is still the glory of the extended family and signs. The first floor of the tomb was tall and majestic, and there were three big words "zuka" above the gate. After Chen tingbai entered the cabinet, he added the "bachelor's first" plaque to the other two columns. There are two flagstones in front of the door.
Enter the gate, can see the corridor hall at that time, the lingering rhyme still remains. It is the structure of four pillars, three doors and three seven frames. The door of the middle gate is called the gate, usually not open, the left and right sides are the passageway walk. The architectural decoration of "zukai" is archaic and imitative (Oriental), and it is also simulated and realistic (western). These decorative themes, in the allegorical and metaphorical means of the master's ideal and hope, show the different levels of people's aesthetic views. The main building of the courtyard, front of the reception hall, kangxi has been here twice. In the thirty-ninth year of kangxi (1700 years), in recognition of the great achievements of Chen tingjing, emperor kangxi wrote a plaque for Chen tingjing, which was hung above the hall to show his glory.
In the inner city of the city, there is a small stone plaque on top of the city gate, and the book "dou build can live" four big words, this is Chen tingjing's uncle Chen changyan calligraphy. The inner city was shaped like a bucket, which was built by the Chen family to avoid the invasion of the late Ming dynasty. Chen changyan compared the inner city to a fight, which means that there are security guards in the small fighting room. We now come to the wall of the inner city, overlooking the inner city, the most striking of the inner cities, when there are three seven floors, a hundred feet of river hill buildings, and the building of the camp tunnel. The building in the east of the river is arranged in a zigzag pattern, and the five layers of the kiln cave, which are built in masonry, are ascended to the top of the structure, and the size is different, and the inside and outside are linked together. The inside is connected and connected, one to three or four, appear primitive and thick. These cave dwellings, as well as provincial materials, are durable, warm and easy to live in. It is also staggered, varied, solid, concealment, and very craftsmanship in architecture. The river hill building, built in the fifth year of Ming chongzhen (1632), is a defensive building built by the Chen family to ward off chaos. The building is 3.4 zhangs, 2.4 zhangs and 10 zhangs. It is the tallest building in the city. The building is divided into seven floors, with the interconnection between the inner stairway and the laminates, which is strong and strong, and a thousand people have taken refuge in it. More than three layers with Windows, roof built horse-refraining pits and battlements, facilitate lookout predators and throwing rocks, the underlying deep underground, dig Wells, with grinding stone, stone mill, ovens and other living facilities, and have a tunnel leading to the city, a precaution.
In the five years since chongzhen built the river, Chen's family has fought the attacks of several times with strong river and mountain buildings, guaranteeing the life of thousands of neighboring villages. However, the capacity of the building is limited after all, and it is a huge amount of money for yongbao and Chen's family. The construction of the first July of the sixth year of chongzhen (1633) will be completed in the spring of the second year. Inner city total length of 467 meters, the crenel 149, the average width of 2 meters, the height is 12.5 meters, the top 25 meters, with more than 7000 square, more than 370 ten thousand pieces of brick. West, north gate with metal packages, each have a castle in the door. In case of undetected, there is a large wooden fence outside the iron gate. All the buildings in the city are built in the Ming dynasty, and each of them has its own system and features. It has important historical value for the study of Ming dynasty architecture.
[the world]
The quaint courtyard is called "the world deju". It is commonly known as "the yard", which was named after the shang, "shide tang", by Chen sanle. Founded in zhengde in the Ming dynasty of the Ming dynasty, shidtang has more than 400 years. It was the early construction of the Chen family when he moved to zhongdao zhuang. After many restoration and expansion, gradually formed the present scale.
It was the birthplace of Chen's family and the place where Chen chang lived. The first floor is the birthplace of Chen tingjing, the second is the Tibetan book building, and the third floor is the Tibetan building. Because Chen jia's family road is rich, the reader is many, and generations of respected teachers have retaught, so there are engraving printing works, printing various books for the children to learn, and have their own library.
From the high point of the inner city, it can be seen that the inner city is connected to the outer city, and it is supported by each other. The buildings in inner city are mostly siheyuan in the east, which is typical of the southeast of jinnan, and the outer city sits north and south, and the style of the Ming dynasty is the style of the Ming dynasty.
[Chen's ancestral hall]
Chen's ancestral hall is a shrine to Chen's ancestors, which is decorated with the memorial tablets of Chen's ancestors. The family hall is hung with a portrait of Chen's ancestors and a genealogy of the Chen clan. On the two sides of the front door of the ancestral hall are the couplet of "the dji a niner and the hanlin of the sixth hanlin", which is recorded in the Ming and qing dynasties, with nine people in the Ming and qing dynasties, and six in the hanlin. Chen shi of huangcheng, the native place of henan province, zhangxian county (the present anyang city, linzhang county, the present city of handan city of handan county). During the reign of Ming yongle, Chen was forced to take his family and his family to the village of tianhuli, in the city of zzhou county, in the city of zeyang county, in the city of zeyang county.
The value of the imperial palace lies not only in its magnificent architecture but also in its rich historical and cultural connotations. Chen family not only left many poems, work and legends, and as the supreme ruler, emperor kangxi of the qing dynasty jisheng period of imperial books, poetry, plaque, wan, a courtier ZaiFu places, can remains so much YuBi emperor is rare in history. The government of huangcheng is important for the study of Chinese politics, economy, culture, folk custom, philosophy and architecture. This is where it is attractive.