Since 1980, an illness was found all around the world, when people hear about it, they all feel scared and change their faces. The name of the illness is AIDS, during the last few years, it spread so fast, more and more people get infected, the bad news is, there is no way to cure such illness. In order to remind people of the spread of AIDS, the day of December 1stis made to be World AIDS Day. Though AIDS is dangerous, people can protect themselves from it, we should use our own daily use, never mix them with others’. The most important thing is never having sex with others except your partner. Though AIDS makes people scared, it is safe to communicate with patients, they won’t infect you by shaking hands or hug, so we don’t need to push them out, they are in want of care.
many people are afraid of people with aids since they think there is a risk of being infected. people with aids are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.
actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with people with aids. people with aids need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with aids, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.
AIDS is the English transliteration of the name of AIDS, is the full name of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, an acronym for AIDS. By the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of T cells in the immune function of the main shortcomings of a hybrid immune deficiency disease. It is the body's immune system to the most important T4 cells as a target, a large number of swallow, T4 cell destruction, so that the entire destruction of the body's
immune system and ultimately the loss of human resistance to diseases and death.
AIDS is not a disease but a syndrome. This is because one will not die of AIDS, but only when HIV has been the collapse of the body's immune system, people will be due to a variety of illnesses caused by were killed. Where not easy to get AIDS, because AIDS virus can only survive outside the human body in a few seconds, but only from a living cell to another cell. Only human beings will be infected with HIV.