
时间:2017-11-02 13:53:36 高中英语作文 我要投稿


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Back in 1986, during my last year of high school, there as a radio trivia contest to in tickets to a concert. I didn’t have much money, but I really anted to go see this particular group, so I sat myself beside the radio one Monday morning, phone in hand, and aited. No , my head has al ays been overflo ing ith completely useless information –probably more so at that time in my life– so I kne I stood just as good a chance as anybody else. Finally, they asked the question: “What as David Bo ie’s theatrical rock-star persona backed by the Spiders from Mars?” I dialed as quickly as I could, but (hampered by my old rotary phone, no doubt) I as not the first, and so didn’t in the tickets. For three more mornings, I did the same, each time kno ing the ans er, but failing to be the first to call. On that Friday, ho ever, the question as much harder: “Whose band did Canadian singer Go an borro for the recording of his Strange Animal LP?” This time I on the tickets. (The ans er, by the ay, is Peter Gabriel, ho as recording in the same studio around the same time.)

I as proud of my accomplishment, elated by that vindication of the sheer idth and breadth of the mostly impractical data stogged tight into my brain. It seems a little foolish in retrospect, but the accumulation of kno ledge as –for me– the most distinguishing facet of my self-identity.

Back then, information as far less transitory. I remember reading and studying endlessly, trying to retain every nugget of information I could, hether it as useful or not. No , I have become lazy. When a question is asked and I don’t kno the response, a quick search on the Net ill generally take me directly to the right information. The question ans ered, the details then drop a ay from my mind, and I usually forget it completely. I suspect most people do this no adays, relying upon the Net far more than memory. When someone dials a friend from Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, are they really choosing their most kno ledgeable friend, or simply the fastest ith Google? Who ould you phone?

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