
时间:2017-11-02 13:48:04 高中英语作文 我要投稿


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Although some people believe that students should stay in their o n classrooms during break times,I ould like to argue that e should be allo ed to spend break times in another class。
The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other classes.We spend all day in our o n classroom,and break times are the only time e have to spend ith other friends.It can become very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time ith the same people.

A further reason for allo ing student to choose here they spend their break times is that it ould stop arguements.If students are forced to spend time ith classmates ho are not good friends,they can annoy each other.This leads to problems that have to be sorted out by teachers.

Teachers argue that e all should stay in our o n classes,because it is then easier to kno hat is going on.They say that it is difficult to keep track of students hen they are alking round the corridors.Ho ever,students could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the hole break time in.That ould mean that there ould not be any students in the corridors.

As I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage hen everyone stays in their o n classroom,it ould make break times happier for all students if they ere allo ed to choose here they spent their time.

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