Going to the Market-上菜市场
中国作文网(www.T262.com)原创整理的 > 高中英语作文 My mother goes to the market to buy us fresh meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables every other day. The market, which is a medium size one, is a ten minutes’ walk from our house. Besides buying groceries, my mother likes to watch the other shoppers around her. Sometimes she sees old friends and stops to talk to them. Sometimes she eats a snack at one of a great many street booths there. Mostly my mother hopes to find a nice sale on a good many items peddlers display on the ground. Due to economic prosperity of the country many families like ours have money to buy small luxuries that the older generation did not see twenty years ago. My mother usually spends two hours at the market. Then she comes home to prepare lunch. After a morning shopping, she is always in a good mood.【Going to the Market-上菜市场】相关文章:
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