Fox and cock
ne morn ng a fo sees a cock.He th nk,"Th s s my breakfast.' He comes up to the cock and says," kno you can s ng very ell. an you s ng for me?'The cock s glad. He closes h s eyes and beg ns to s ng.The fo sees that and caches h m n h s mouth and carr es h m a ay. The people n the f eld see the fo .They cry,"Look,look!The fo s carry ng the cock a ay.'The cock says to the fo ," r Fo ,do you understand?
The people say you are carry ng the r cock a ay.Tell them t’s yours.Not the rs.'
The fo opens h s mouth and says,"The cock s m ne,not yours.'Just then the cock runs a ay from the fo and fl es nto the tree.
【Fox and cock】相关文章:
1.The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
2.The Fox and the Grapes-狐狸和葡萄