Today s Fr day. ent back to my former school. hen sa so many old fr ends, as very happy. n the classroom, sa a ne student, her name s Zhang runhong. found she as very happy n the school! ant to see them as soon as poss ble. Though l ke my former school, l ke the ne school very much, have many ne fr ends here. feel happy too! ——Fanny
used to play ng n the eekend, but th s eekend as spec al . d d a lot of ork and played th my torto se only n the morn ng. n Sunday ent to my v ol n class, got a lot of fun, but have to stand there for a lesson. nd you see ho d ff cult play ng v ol n as.
That as my eekend.
1.My weekend
2.My Weekend
3.last weekend
4.My Weekend
5.My weekend
6.My weekend
7.Last Weekend
8.Last Weekend